Keyword Description
By default, rick does a DuckDuckGo search
bib opens a chapter from the (Indonesian) bible
bib en opens a chapter from the english bible
cf navigates to cloudflare dashboard
cvs navigates to modules in Canvas
dict looks up a dictionary
doc cpp searches cpp reference
doc go searches go packages
doc mdn searches MDN
doc nix searches nix packages
doc py searches python doc
doc rs searches rust crate docs
doc rs crate searches for a rust crate
doc rs std searches rust STL docs
emo does an emoji search
g does a google search
g dr navigates to google drive
g m navigates to gmail
g sch does a google scholar search
gh navigates github
man does a linux manpage search.
netlf navigates to netlify dashboard
nm m navigates to a NUSMods module details
npm does an NPM search
npm p navigates to an NPM package
nus cal views NUS 2021/2022 academic calendar
nus cas navigates to NUS Class Attendance System
nus fbs navigates to NUS Facilities Booking Services
nus feedback navigates to NUS Feedback Portal
so does a stack overflow search
soc curr views NUS SoC graduation requirement
soc focus views NUS SoC focus areas
soc sched views NUS SoC course schedule
sqstu navigates to SQ's student fare flight search
th looks up a thesaurus
tr en translates to english
tr zh translates to english
wbm looks up wayback machine
wfrm performs a calculation in wolfram alpha
wk searches the english wikipedia
yt searches youtube

See source code here